Are you in sales? Do you earn commissions as part (or all) of your wages? Well, if that’s you, then pay attention to today’s decision by the Court of Appeals for the Fourth Circuit. That’s the appellate court with jurisdiction over Maryland, Virginia, West...
Protecting Employee Rights
Fighting For Justice
Year: 2021
Reporting Harassment—Don’t Skip This Step!
I receive many phone calls from victims of workplace discrimination. As I listen to their stories, I often notice that they have not taken the very important step of reporting the illegal conduct to the appropriate managers at their employer. It is hard to...
Text Messages Can Prove Sexual Harassment
I have represented victims of sexual harassment for decades. Finding proof of sexual harassment can be difficult. Many perpetrators of sexual harassment do their best to make sure that their activities are private, so that proof will never come to light. In recent...
Telework, Covid, and the ADA
The pandemic has forced many changes on society, and the traditional workplace has certainly not been exempt from those changes. COVID-19, a virus which has taken hundreds of thousands of lives in America since early 2020, has especially important implications for...