Protecting Employee Rights

Fighting For Justice

Frederick Employment Law Attorney

A Maryland Advocate For Employment Claims

The Law Firm of Stephen S. Burgoon provides experienced representation in a wide variety of employment law matters. Many business owners and employees alike consider their vocations a central part of their identities. The firm’s goal in employment cases, whether representing employees remains centered on achieving effective results that protect clients’ interests and preserve their professional dignity.

Attorney Stephen Burgoon has represented clients in employment matters since 1993. From his office in Frederick, Maryland, he assists clients throughout the surrounding areas.

Comprehensive Employment Law Experience

Mr. Burgoon provides experienced and knowledgeable legal counsel in all areas of state and federal employment law, including:

Mr. Burgoon’s experience includes handling claims before administrative agencies such as the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) and Maryland Commission On Civil Rights as well as state and federal courts. Where matters can be resolved amicably through negotiation or mediation, he will seek such resolutions. However, should matters proceed to trial, his preparation and oversight ensures clients have a solid claim to present to the court.

Sensitive to the economic realities that accompany most employment-related matters, Mr. Burgoon advises clients on the costs and benefits of particular courses of action so they can make informed decisions on how to proceed.

Contact A Montgomery County Lawyer For Employment Law

To discuss your employment issue in a confidential consultation, contact The Law Firm of Stephen S. Burgoon at 301-264-7213 or by email. The firm offers weekend appointments by request only.