According to a ruling handed down by the U.S. District Court for the District of Nevada, the Clark County School District discriminated against a transgender male employee when it prevented him from using both the women's and men's work restrooms. Maryland residents...
Protecting Employee Rights
Fighting For Justice
Workplace Discrimination
Disability discrimination claims are on the rise
Disabled workers in Maryland face many challenges when they are looking for work. Job prospects can be limited for them because many job tasks require physical abilities that they don't have. Even if job functions can be performed by a disabled worker or altered to...
LGBTQ entrepreneurs still facing discrimination
According to a study released in September by StartOut, LGBTQ individuals in Maryland and across the U.S. are still facing discrimination in the business world. Experts say that this problem is highly prevalent in the world of startup companies and exists even in...
Age discrimination and older workers
Despite the Age Discrimination in Employment Act of 1967, older people in Maryland and throughout the country may face age discrimination when they are looking for work. While the August 2016 unemployment rate for workers over the age of 55 looks low at 3.5 percent,...
Pregnancy and employment law in Maryland
If a pregnant woman or a woman who has just given birth needs time off from work, she may be entitled to do so under the Family and Medical Leave Act. Under this system, employees are allowed to take up to 12 weeks of unpaid leave. Individuals may need to provide 30...
English-only rules and discrimination
Some businesses in Maryland have English-only language rules in place for their employees. In many cases, these rules are permissible. However, they may be considered forms of prohibited discrimination in some instances. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964...
Age discrimination may become more widespread in the years ahead
Media outlets often portray the nation's job market as being the almost exclusive preserve of a new generation of young and tech savvy workers, and it may therefore be surprising for Maryland residents to learn that more than a third of the American workforce will be...
EEOC settles a sexual orientation discrimination suit
The Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has settled a sexual orientation discrimination lawsuit with a Maryland packaging supplies company for approximately $200,000. The settlement is the first paid by an employer over accusations it demonstrated sexual...
The rights federal law affords to pregnant employees
The Americans with Disabilities Act, the Pregnancy Discrimination Act and other laws provide protection to female workers against pregnancy-related harassment or discrimination. Some pregnant workers in Maryland might not be aware of their rights, but understanding...
EEOC issues fact sheet on transgender employees
Maryland companies should be aware that the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission has issued a fact sheet on workplace discrimination against transgender employees. The agency states that it is a violation of Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and that...